I’ll be writing more about this when my Kickstarter for my mid-century modern novel Nowhere, New Mexico finishes later in January. So far it has been a great success. I’m taking notes of what things I did and the advice I got along the way from author friends and others who have used Kickstarter successfully in the past.
My 3-pronged general plan might be considered odd by some people, and I won’t know until it all plays out if any of it should be changed. Basically, here was the plan:
- Write the book and release it for FREE, here on the blog, chapter by chapter until the book is done. That way, for a limited time, my best and most supportive friends could read the book for free and determine if they think it is good enough to support as I roll the book out in a launch. This way people know it isn’t some kind of cash grab. I want people to read my books and like them, and I’d rather them read it first and decide if they want to support it. Financially that may not be the best way to do things, but I really like the idea of it. (Accomplished)
- Roll out a Kickstarter campaign giving all of those readers (and even more) the opportunity to buy-in, support the book launch, get lots of cool stuff, and really just join the team. In order to do this I talked to several people, many of whom have had very successful Kickstarter experiences. I did my research, listened to good advice, and implemented what I thought would work. (Accomplished)
- If the Kickstarter idea worked out (it looks as if it will do well,) roll out a more traditional launch using the funds from the KS. This will include some local events, an online launch process, and then eventually a big book bomb on official publishing launch day. (Stay tuned.)
Still to come is to finish phase 2, and all of phase 3. I have a master plan and I’ll be sharing more of it with you as things progress. For now, we have another 22 days or so for the Kickstarter. We are (at this writing) $455 from our next Stretch Goal which would unlock a Prequel Novella to Nowhere, New Mexico that people will love. The cool thing about that is that all backers will get the prequel novella, which increases the value of the rewards that people who have already bought in will receive. Hoping we can hit that new stretch goal today! Y’all stay tuned! Michael
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