We have a launch date!
…and it is soon!
Make sure you read the whole post! Lot’s of info here, and a freebie book for you too…
I’ve never had a novel as anticipated as Brother, Frankenstein. So I have a lot to talk to you about, since now… now, we finally have a launch date.
April 29th!!!
Just read some of the buzz…
“Hugo Material!” ~ Nick Cole
Praise for Brother, Frankenstein

“I just finished beta reading Michael Bunker’s new heartbreakingly awesome novel and I have this to say: Hugo Material.” ~ Nick Cole, bestselling author of Old Man and the Wastelandand Soda Pop Soldier.
“Brother, Frankenstein finally cements Michael Bunker’s position as one of the most interesting and dynamic sci-fi writers emerging from today’s vibrant indie scene. It’s a tense, exciting, often violent actioner that like its protagonist, benefits greatly from a still-beating heart underneath all the technological bells and whistles.” ~ Eamon Ambrose, Eamo the Geek Reviews
“…white-knuckle reading throughout…” ~ Hank Garner, Host of Author Stories Podcast
“…The tension between technology and agrarian simplicity runs like a bright thread through the work— those characters on the technology side are affected by the interaction with their (presumed) opposites, and those on the Amish side are changed and tested as well.” ~ Richard Gleaves, author of the bestselling Jason Crane series.
“…an intriguing and suspenseful novel. I instantly rooted for Frank…” ~ Annelie Wendeberg, bestselling author of the Anna Kronberg thrillers.
“Bunker’s finest fictional creation to date…” ~ David Bruns, author of Weapons of Mass Deception
“I loved how this fantastic story of escape and rediscovery made me ponder over the awful consequences when men step into the part of the ‘creator’.” ~ E.E. Giorgi, author of CHIMERAS
Brother, Frankenstein is my first full, solo novel since Pennsylvania launched a year ago, so I’m very excited to be pushing out something I think readers are going to love.
How to publish the book has been the question. And it is a question authors never used to ask. It’s a rare and wonderful opportunity to be able to decide what is the best way to publish my book. It is awesome to have options!
I always try to keep the reader foremost in my thoughts when I’m making decisions about putting out a novel. I think the traditional publishing houses do have a lot to offer, and for some authors and some books, it is definitely the right way to go. But that way of publishing has its drawbacks, as we all know. Publishers were interested in reading the book, and my agent sent them copies, but it became clear that IF there were ever an offer for the book that would be good for everyone involved (including the reader!) we’d be looking at 12-18 months before the book would ever see the light of day. Maybe. So that just wasn’t going to work for us. Readers have made it sufficiently clear that they’d like Brother, Frankenstein sooner rather than later, and I’m happy to oblige. My agent was very helpful in giving me advice and counsel, and together we decided that it would be best to just get the book out now… give the readers what they want.
So that’s what we’re doing, and the process starts now!
Here’s all the good-good you need to know. For all of you who worked with me and read the beta version in exchange for a review (and thanks to all of you who did reviews on Goodreads.com!) I still need you to post your reviews on Amazon.com, and here is the link:
Buy it AND/OR Review it Now!
What I need from you…
- Pre-order the book! Pre-orders are critical and we really want to make a statement with the launch of this book.Your pre-order counts and will help get the book noticed in the rankings even before launch day.
- If you’ve read the beta or ARC version, write a review!
- Please SHARE, SHARE, SHARE… I choose to bet on you, the readers, instead of the mainstream publishing system to get word of this book out there. Work with me and we’ll make this book a hit!
- Buy a signed, paperback copy! All the money I get from signed paperbacks is going into marketing and promotion. Another way to help!
- Write about it, blog about it, tell folks about it. Word of mouth is how this book is going to succeed.
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