I created something of a stir the other day with the reveal of the Brother, Frankenstein cover, so I figured I’d take a moment and answer a few questions I’m getting peppered with since the reveal.
I had the great pleasure the other day of revealing the cover for my upcoming solo novel Brother, Frankenstein. BF is my first solo novel since Pennsylvania which was released last April. To say that the cover – and the concept – of Brother, Frank have created some big buzz would be an understatement. After revealing this awesome Ben Adams cover I was inundated with social media “pings,” follows, retweets, comments, questions, etc. My daughter was in my office after I hit send and she was amused as my social media notifications and alerts started filling the room with the sounds of… virality. My office sounded like a game room from the 80s. And my email was worse (actually better!) I received dozens of emails within the first half hour of revealing the cover. And the interest hasn’t really waned. So I’m excited about the opportunity to release this book in some form or fashion… sometime 😉 hopefully soon.
Early beta reader feedback has been…completely mind-blowing and humbling.
I don’t really know when Brother, Frankenstein will be released. Because I don’t yet know how it will be published. My agent Jeff Gerecke will be showing it to some people we promised to show it to, and I’m leaving all of my options open. But since I know Indie publishing and I know this book is going to do very, very well, I have the confidence to believe that I can release it myself and I know I’ll be very happy with how it does. I’ve never been anti-mainstream pubbing. I’ve always said that every author needs to consider what is available and what is best for his/her career and just do what works for them. One of the great things about the current condition of publishing is that I’m free to get my books to my fans and readers in a way that benefits all of us. And there are options I can consider and then do what I think is best. I have no need for validation from either system of publishing and I see them all as tools to get my stories to readers. So it will be fun over the next few weeks to be gathering all the information and making an informed decision on how best to deliver this fun project to the world. I am, however, moving ahead with the assumption that I will be publishing Brother, Frankenstein, and if that happens – buckle up because it’ll be coming soon!
One of the most common questions I’ve received (after… WHO MADE THIS AWESOME COVER?) is, “how do I get an Advance Review Copy?”

I still haven’t decided exactly how that will happen, but I’m leaning toward a stair-step approach to distributing ARC copies. My friend Nick Cole and I will be releasing TEXOCALYPSE NOW, the first in the DIGGER series, as part of the Apocalypse Weird mega launch on 2/23/2015. As is my usual practice, I sent out an email to my awesome email list and offered TN free to anyone who would promise to write a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. Out of 250 downloaded ARC copies of Texocalypse Now, so far 38 people have left reviews. I know some people are still reading it and I look forward to seeing those reviews posted before February 23rd… launch day. But I’ll probably be a little more selective in sending out ARCs for Brother, Frankenstein. I’m thinking of only making them available to people who are both on my email list AND have left a review for Texocalypse Now. That way I know the people who really want to participate in these projects are the ones getting the ARC copies. This kind of publishing is kind of a “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” kind of thing so I want to make sure the people who are getting free copies of Brother, Frankenstein are going to read it and help out with a timely review. That way everyone wins!
Of course the fast track to getting free books and other stuff from me is to make sure you are subscribed to my newsletter. For those who are not, click the button and let’s get this started. I will still make a way for new subscribers to get the ARC of Brother, Frankenstein when the time comes, but it probably will involve leaving a review, and for everyone else who already subscribed and downloaded the free ARC copy of Texocalypse Now! go leave a review!! 🙂
Subscribe Now!
As a free gift to you right now, here is an awesome Wallpaper for Brother, Frankenstein by Ben Adams:
If you want to uber-multiply your chances of getting an ARC of Brother, Frankenstein, please share it! And make sure you are subscribed so you can work with me when launch time comes (however it is published) to help make it a massive success. So here is the info on the book… With a nice big cover picture and the blurb that you can share…
A borderline sociopath and technological genius, Dr. Alexander has designed an advanced cybernetic life form from prototype defense industry materials and top-secret experimental DARPA technology. The HADroid was supposed to be a military grade robot with the transplanted heart and brain of a human donor that would “transform” into a devastating state of the art war machine when activated by its onboard human operator. But when the doctor steals the dying child of a simple Amish couple and transplants the brain and cardiovascular system of their eleven year old autistic son into the incredibly lethal but human looking robot, the dark forces of government come looking for their investment. Dr. Alexander and the monster escape into another Amish community to hide among the plain folk while Frank, the autistic eleven year old boy trapped inside the body of a man that can become the world’s deadliest robot, befriends another child who will help the prisoner inside the machine to leave the world of autism and understand what it means to be human and Amish. Outside Amish country a larger battle looms, but tensions arise among the plain and pacifistic Amish as they begin to suspect just what kind of technological monstrosity is hiding among them, and before long hard men who do the government’s most dirty deeds will come looking for a killing machine… only to find a boy named Frank who has the power to defend a closed society from the worst of the world.
My Books!
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