Steve Durant The Difficulty of Automobile Travel in 1954, and a New Theory. After almost a week of hanging around at the Vacation Motor Inn, writing and transcribing the extensive notes that became the chapters you have already read, Ken decided that he needed an automobile. He’d spent most of the week in his room […]
Chapter 3
John Lee Danner The Brick House. Later that night I met John Lee Danner and heard the weirdest theory of Nowhere yet. John Lee was a fabulous conversationalist, a bit effeminate, or maybe artsy, casually funny, and possibly insane. Despite the warm day, it was cooler after sunset, and I wore a sport coat and […]
Chapter 2
Leon McClain and Carol Cole A Day Trip. Leon McClain was a pleasant looking fellow in his early forties, solidly built, with hair graying at the temples and a habit of cracking his knuckles now and again when he was trying to emphasize a point. He was the manager of the Vacation Motor Inn. Despite […]
Chapter 1
Abe Mendoza The Legend of Nowhere. When Ken Halberson arrived in Albuquerque it was just after 5:00 p.m. local time and the weather was cold. An icy wind cut through from the desert valley to the west, swirling against the Sandia mountains up against which the tiny Albuquerque Municipal Airport was built. New Mexico had […]
Nowhere, New Mexico A trip to Nowhere. The town of Nowhere popped up out of the high desert in post-war New Mexico and marred the face of imperfection forever. That was it. That was the hook. The line that was supposed to snare you into reading the book. First lines are critical in novel writing, […]