Democracy is the rule of the thuggish mass, and the more direct the democracy the more thuggish it becomes. Mental fragmentation, by its very nature and as it increases, inevitably leads to a more and more direct democracy. The natural inclination of direct democracy is the abuse of the minority and the destruction of individual freedoms. Fragmentation drives colonized minds into samethink ghettos (or echo chambers,) because the mind is increasingly unable to apprehend or digest information coming from a worldview or foundation outside of the narrow scope of the colonized mind’s experiences. These hyper-narrow ghettos (or colonies if you like,) naturally look for a way to increase their power so that it is greater than their numbers (SEE INTERSECTIONALISM.) Intersectionalism is the unification of small, otherwise opposing colonies, to take advantage of democracy in order to force changes on the resulting minority. Now buckle up, because this is a difficult knot to untie…
Democracy, by its very nature, is fundamentally in opposition to the concept of law. Even so far as democracy and law are able to cooperate, the work – good or evil – is accomplished because of that tension. To prove this assertion, note how democracies attempt to mitigate or limit the impact of the more wicked whims of democracy. How do they do this? By things like “Constitutions” and courts and laws and vetos. These things exist because democracy without them would devolve into the brutish tyranny of whoever can most effectively manipulate the mass man. The concept of a balance of power – checks and balances – is a legal structure designed to limit the damage that can be done by an emotionally manipulated majority.
Ask yourself… why don’t we have the mass public vote directly via the internet every day on every topic? Some really stupid people actually want this. But we don’t have it because those votes, how they can be held and what they can accomplish, are limited and directed by law. Laws are the bridles of the ugliest tendencies of democracy. Law, in its most benevolent form, exists to balance the needs of justice and fairness with the protection of the lives, liberty, and property of the electoral minority. The individual is the smallest minority and the most susceptible minority to abuse by the mass man.
Democracy, because its tendency is to increasingly direct action (giving the mass man the power to take whatever he likes from the minority,) seeks to constantly rewrite and increase the number of laws, using the thuggery of votes, so that the end of it all is the rule of the mob.
The two – law and democracy – are in tension by nature. The genius of the American Constitution is that it was an attempt to hamstring (or handcuff) democracy using laws that required, among many other things, more than a simple majority to change the fundamental laws that limited the wickedness that democracy could do. In many cases, the mechanisms to change the constitutional laws are so difficult that an attempt isn’t even made. If you are confused, you are directly experiencing the way that colonization and fragmentation works. It’s all very simple. If the mass of 51% rules, then whoever has the megaphone has all the power.
If man was able to operate by righteous internal motives, he would be moved by righteousness. If all men possessed this righteousness, there would be no need for laws – there would be no need for governance. Absent that internal righteousness, the mass is moved by the megaphone.
The megaphone is what moves the mass man. In a direct democracy, the individual doesn’t have power, except as it allies itself to enough other individuals – seeking the greatest mass – against the rights and freedoms of the targeted minority. The mass man is easily moved by his news, and if permitted to do so, will quickly appropriate all the property and liberty of the minority and distribute it as he sees fit. Perhaps you’ve been led to believe that democracy is a good thing, and the more direct the better. Perhaps you’ve been lead to believe that the majority ought to rule. If you have believed those things, you’ve been colonized and yoked to the plow that is controlled by whoever has the means to control the megaphone. And your hypocrisy is such that so long as you are in the majority, or feel you soon will be, you are happy with the prospect of wielding power over the minority you hope to rule. Direct democracy enthrones every wicked tendency in man.
Divine Right monarchists said that the King is the Law, therefore no law can limit the right of the king.
Constitutional monarchist Samuel Rutherford – in opposition to this – said “Lex Rex” (The Law is the King.) The King, like everyone else, is subject to the law that protects the rights of the minority against the spoiling of their goods and freedom and property.
Thuggish advocates of direct democracy say The Mass Man (the voter) is the Law and the King, but by this they really mean “whoever controls speech, what can be said, and what you must think about it,” is the real King.
If history has shown us anything it is that no personal property or right is safe in the presence of the unthinking mob. Law is often used to abuse freedom, granted, but never more so than when it is put into the hands of the thuggish mass with no constitutional limits to what that mass can do, what it can steal, and who it can deprive of liberty. The modern right and left have propagandized the people to believe that their rights depend on politicians, voting, and mass movements, but every man and woman ought to be safe in their life, liberty, and property even if they never join the mass to defend themselves or to vote themselves the largesse of others. The modern so-called “conservative” and the modern so-called “liberal” alike seek to motivate the mass man to dominate the mechanisms of democracy in order to steal and kill, and it is primarily because they have been so mentally fragmented that they think that individual rights come from and are guaranteed by direct democracy (which is nothing more than thug rule.)
Once the final remnants of individual rights become subjected to the whim of the thuggish majority you can be assured that the resulting flood of blood will be more than the mass man bargained for. The commandments “thou shalt not covet,” and “thou shalt not steal,” are the foundations of civilization, while direct democracy, by definition, is erected on the foundation and enthronement of covetousness and theft – They are its arms and life. Murder too, which is why a reckoning is coming.
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