Civilization Deplatformed. Why we are seeing a growing hostility to free speech and how this hostility is a planned result of the process of mental fragmentation. Mental fragmentation is a result of mental colonization, the designed destruction of man’s ability to think in “wholes” by fracturing the human experience into parts so that the individual no longer has experienced, or can conceive of, any complete and consistent worldview, and instead sees the world through a very compartmentalized and artificial experience that denies or ignores the “whole” that once governed his (or maybe his ancestor’s) experience.
The easiest way to imagine this is to imagine a family living completely off the land, primitively, experiencing cold and heat, sowing and harvest, food production and preservation, hunting, the necessary management of the land and resources, anticipation of weather cycles, disruption, art, warfare, peace, community, etc. Since the mind would have experienced the interplay between all the relevant parts of what civilization and experience is, art and communication would naturally represent that wholeness. Fast forward, then, to sometime in the distant future… that same family. View a descendant, living in a small apartment in a large city his whole life, completely separated from the means and reality of production. Ignorant, other than by supposition or speculation, of where things come from and how everything is intertwined. This modern mass man’s experiences are very narrow, he is protected by (or subjected to) multiple layers of an artificial technological and social construct, educated or mis-educated by government, defended or abused by police, relying on or being abandoned by military, bombarded every minute of every day with messages from people, good or bad, who want and need to control the mass man in order to perpetuate or destroy the current world order. This stark difference in these two experiences is the product of “colonization.” Franz Fanon taught (see The Wretched of the Earth,) rightly, that colonization – the systematic domination of one culture by a foreign or imposing culture – requires the colonized culture to be obliterated with the banishment of the old culture , it’s monuments and its ways, to the outskirts or “ghettos” of the new modern life – or its eradication altogether. This division results in the fracturing of the mental processes and the compartmentalization of thinking to the point that two people who experience the very same real “news” can derive completely opposite and contradictory data from it.
Freedom of Speech is an interesting thing. It remains (so long as it does,) one of the few remaining conduits where fragmented cultures and people can come into contact with ideas not already manufactured and framed for them by the dominating culture. An independent media was once intended to be a bulwark against this cultural domination, but that has gone the way of the Dodo Bird long ago. Restricting free speech is a way of insuring that the insular mental ghettos utilized as a control mechanism by the ruling class and by the education cartel remain inviolate. If no one is required to hear anything but what the ruling class decides is socially correct, then there is little risk of an overthrowing or usurpation of the fragmentation. The mind becomes slavishly obedient. Social media, rather than increasing the likelihood of accidental contact with competing ideas, tends to spectacularly restrict that likelihood by a number of means. The easiest way to protect fragmented minds from “wrongthink” is to vaccinate against it using the combined tools of a radicalized education system that actively opposes free speech, a controlled media, corporate censorship, justice mobs, economic terrorism, and the incremental changing of the meaning of words. This all sounds familiar. Meme-olatry as a means of communicating samethink and dismissing competing ideas increases mental fracturing until we see, as we do now, massive psychopathy on both extreme ends of the artificially derived political spectrum. It is not uncommon today to see the two ends of this spectrum both feeding and/or beating the idea of free speech on competing issues on the same day at the same time. This kind of cognitive dissonance forces the mentally fragmented, colonized citizen to retreat to the comfort of the samethink ghetto. This is no accident.

In a recent post I mentioned how that, in religious terms, this leads to a division into competing cults – the Pharisees (legalists) and the Antinomians (lawless.) The two sides can switch sides and uniforms as needed, situationally, on a dime, and do so. Christ was crucified between two thieves. Those who are capable of thinking outside of the prescribed ghetto rightly reject both extremes but find themselves lonely in their concern and desire for a consistency in thinking and behavior. Let us know the rules and we are likely to play by them, but changing them hourly based on your needs isn’t going to fly with us. The problem with colonization is that so long as there remains a significant part of the subdued population that sees what is happening to them, even if they currently remain confused and helpless as to what to do about it, the probability of bloody conflict remains very high. That previous sentence could be the definition of understatement.
In my own experience, watching the intentional fracturing of Western Civilization and the fragmenting of that mind, is just more confirmation of what I’ve always thought about the pattern and trajectory of civilizations. Of course I can only say this openly until I am “deplatformed,” a word that so aptly defines the hellish apocalypse we’re heading for. Civilization Deplatformed will be the video series I never make about this topic.
Michael Bunker * Copyright 2018
A timely message indeed. Thank you!