As many of you know, Brother, Frankenstein is going to be launching on April 29th. The book is already available for pre-order, and I’m going to be selectively giving away a few more ARC copies in exchange for reviews, but I have some other stuff to give away too.
Order Brother, Frankenstein NowI have 3 Brother, Frankenstein posters I’m giving away. Stay tuned to the end of this post to see how to get yourself one of these signed goody-goods…
But for now, more stuff to give away immediately…
For example, right now my short story The Wild Ones is on sale for FREE on Amazon! That’s right, it’s free!
The Wild Ones is a Pennsylvania world short story, but even if you’ve never read Pennsylvania or any of the dozens of other Pennsylvania stoies, The Wild Ones makes a good stand alone short story… and it’s free!
I’m also giving away 5 (and only five) FREE ARC copies of an awesome new short story anthology that is coming out soon. Tales of Tinfoil is editor David Gatewood’s latest anthology, and I have a short story in the collection that is getting some good reviews. An ARC is an “advance review copy” and if you get one, you are agreeing to review the book on Amazon (and wherever else you review books) before April 17th…
Here is how you get your own FREE copy of Tales of Tinfoil for your Kindle…
These 5 (and I only have 5) ARCs need to go to people who will promise to submit an honest review to Amazon after you read it. We need reviews to be posted by the 17th of April, which means if you can’t read the whole anthology AND post a review by the 17th on Amazon, please do not try to win a copy. Ok, so here is how I’m going to award copies. For each of the following bullet points, award yourself the point value for reach one that applies to you. The more points you have, the more likely you will get one of these 5 ARC (advance review copies.) This is all on the honor system. Count up your points and then either post here in the comments, or email me to: and tell me how many points you have. Top 5 point getters get a free copy of the book.
1. Promise to read the book and review by the 17th (+1 point)
2. Have Pre-Ordered Brother, Frankenstein (+3 points)
3. Have “liked” Tales of Tinfoil facebook page (+1 point)
4. Have reviewed Brother, Frankenstein (+1 point)
5. Have subscribed to my newsletter (+2 points)
6. Have shared Brother, Frankenstein (+1 point PER SHARE LOCATION, up to 4 points total)
7. Have shared Tales of Tinfoil (+1 point PER SHARE LOCATION, up to 4 points total)
8. Have tweeted Brother, Frankenstein and tagged @mbunker (+1 point)
9. Have tweeted Tales of Tinfoil (+1 point)
10. Have compelled someone else to pre-order Brother, Frankenstein (+5 points)
Total your points and either comment on this post or email me: The top 5 point totals who promise to review ToT by the 17th get the book for free!
Now, how about those posters!!
Two of the posters are going to be going to people who are on my email list. I will randomly select (using two names tomorrow and I’ll contact those people directly to get them their posters.
One poster, however, will be given away today at Forbes West’s Apocalypse Weird: Medium Talent Facebook launch party. That sounds like a mouthful, but it is pretty simple. My friend Forbes West is launching his new Apocalypse Weird novel Medium Talent. As part of that launch, he is throwing a Facebook online launch party today, and he has tons of stuff he’s giving away, and there will be other Apocalypse Weird authors there too. Well, at some point, I’m going to be hosting or participating in this shindig, and I’ll be giving away free swag… along with this awesome and coveted Brother, Frankenstein poster. Of course, you could just go buy Medium Talent to start with. That would be a good plan. Then you can go to the party and try to win the poster.
Ok, so lots of good free stuff here. Definitely grab The Wild Ones since it is free to everyone today, and there is no reason not to take a shot at getting Tales of Tinfoil, since it is pretty easy to win.
Alright, y’all have a great day!
Michael Bunker
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